Monday, September 24, 2007

Just the Beginning

This is a test broadcast...

This is a test broadcast...

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Hi! This is Citizen J.D.C, the blog run by someone who just passively sits by the comfort of his house as he watches history and madness unfold right on his native country The Philippines. Well, he's not that passive because if he is, he wouldn't bother just keeping quiet and not to speak out his mind. That's why he created this blog, to serve as an output to his own opinion and insights about Philippine society and everything it encompasses. He is not an authority, he's not a maven, and most especially , he's not a pundit; just a plain, average citizen who share his thoughts in the eyes of a commoner. Although he is in a community where everything is possible, especially profanities, he elects to stay away from that and keep it simple and direct that way he likes it to be. He writes the way he talks, so it's like "talking" on blog.

So anyway, there goes the introduction. If there is anything that you want to comment about, whether reaction, praises, or criticism, he is open. After all, this is a community; just cut out the hate mail, please. Thank you and see you.

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